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january self-care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
challenge: share your worst art
A 30 day bad art challenge!
For recovering perfectionists & creators of all types.
Let’s see how we grow and what we learn about ourselves as creators over the next 30 days!
make the decision. confidently.
A sneak peek into my Patreon exclusive content:
I'm challenging myself (& you!) to make decisions and make them confidently. Instead of shying and shrinking away (a pattern I've been carrying with me most my life).
december self-care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
simple grounding meditation
let’s take a moment to arrive in this present moment, together.
this is a super simple grounding meditation.
an excellent moment of self-care for any time you might be feeling anxious, overwhelmed, needing a break, or wanting to get tuned in to focus on something.
Celebrating a huge milestone 🎉
Last week, I held a little celebration ritual in private. I gave thanks to myself, my business, everything I have learned, all the ways I’ve grown, all the people who have had an impact on helping my business shape and grow into what it is, and to all the lovely people I have gotten to work with. I sat here, at my desk, in awe, wonder, amazement, and feeling so grateful and also very proud.
november self-care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
4 Rituals To Help You Energetically Shift Into Fall
The change of seasons is an excellent time to do a lil energetic and organizational reset around your home. Here are some of my favorite rituals to do on or around the fall equinox (or just anytime during the season)!
These practices are part of my regular self-care routine that help me to take care of my physical and mental health so that I am better able to show up in the world to do all the things I love!
october self-care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
september self-care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
august self care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
june self care resource roundup
This month’s round up of meditations, resources, and exercises that i've been trying out are up live on the patreon!
may self care resource roundup
This month’s round up of meditations, resources, and exercises that i've been trying out are up live on the patreon!
how to build your own self-care ritual
A free guide on how to build your own self-care ritual. Plus a Notion toolkit template.
april self care resource roundup
April’s round up of meditations, resources, and exercises that i've been trying out are up live on the patreon!
gene keys has changed my life
i had an amazing gene keys reading with karen a few weeks ago that really blew my fucking mind. i’ve been using a few pieces of it for direct prescriptive exercises to build a deeper connection with myself (and others)…
opening my heart to connection: sharing my mental health medication journey
this year i’m working on opening my heart space and sharing more of my life journey in hopes to foster more connection and inspire others along their journey.
in the spirit of all that, i’m going to get into a little story time about [part of] the reason why i made my adhd dashboard. if you’re interested in what brought me here, read on...
transitions & self-love
Is the time change affecting you at all? It seems to be really messing with my finely-tuned system this year. In lieu of that and many other transitions happening right now, I'm going to leave you with a little journaling brain dump. Raw and unedited. And I feel it's exactly as it wants to be put out into the world. And if you're in need of some love, grace, and compassion, hopefully this will send some your way.
How tennis has impacted my self-compassion
So I started looking at every terrible ball I hit as just practice, and practice makes better. I learned from all the awful shots I hit, and each time, I picked up a little more... concepts made more sense in my head, my body felt more comfortable swinging the racket, I started to feel like things were making sense. And most of all, I was focusing on having fun with my partner, instead of focusing on feeling like a shitty tennis player.
adhd self care dashboard - notion template: a digital portal into self care and empowerment for folx with adhd