challenge: share your worst art

30 day bad art challenge


Welcome to the 30 day bad art challenge! 🎨👩‍🎤

For recovering perfectionists & creators of all types.

Make whatever you wanna make! Draw a stick figure, paint a whole canvas, paint the corner of a canvas, cook a recipe, crochet 5 wonky stitches, take some self portraits, write a joke, film yourself without paying any attention to your hair/wardrobe, finger paint with your cat!

And let it be whatever it is; no judging! Just make whatever comes out and share it just as it is.

It can feel really scary to share things that aren’t “done, perfect, or a masterpiece.”

Notice what comes up for you during this process (my guess is that there’s gonna be a lot of internal dialogue going on 😬🙈)! My fav way to process this stuff is through journaling. 📓✍️

Share your shitty art with us on instagram by using the hashtag #bmedbadart

Woohoo let’s see how we grow and what we learn about ourselves as creators over the next 30 days!

Day 1 begins Dec 14, 2022 (or whenever you wanna join!).

ps. if you want accountability but don’t wanna share with the public, just send it on over to me with a note to keep your shitty art just between us 😁😉

pps. there is no “bad” art. it’s all perception! 😛


Want more? Check out other Bad Art Challenge posts below!


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