gene keys has changed my life

i had an amazing gene keys reading with karen a few weeks ago that really blew my fucking mind. i’ve been using a few pieces of it for direct prescriptive exercises to build a deeper connection with myself (and others)...

[as i’ve interpreted] my life’s work, evolution, radiance & iq spheres, i’m here to express myself creatively, share what i learn, and take many breaks in my day to allow insights to develop. so i thought a great way to lean in and focus on all of those things would be to take breaks in my day for doodling. i’ve always loved doodling, and more recently i’ve developed quite a profound journaling practice- so this exercise kind of combines the two. and now here i am sharing it with you!

black tray with candles and faux plant on a wooden table. sketchbook with lightly sketched pencil drawing and a pencil laying nearby.

it’s really really cool to me to mash all these practices into one in a fun way to tune more into myself and my purpose here on earth. and i LOVE being able to tell myself that i NEED to take these fun creative breaks in my day in order to live a well, healthy, joyful life. hot dang! yes!

are you familiar with gene keys?
what are some things you do to tap into your purpose?


transitions: nature’s wisdom


opening my heart to connection: sharing my mental health medication journey