i can handle my cute demons

an emotional update

if i’m being honest with you, i’m completely flabbergasted by the way that time is passing these days. it’s hard for me to believe that i was sitting here a month ago already- brain dumping my feelings to you about how i’m trying to figure out how to process emotions. (click here if you want a refresher)

it’s kinda funny that immediately after i wrote that letter, i had some conversations that led me to realizing that i do know how and am already feeling and processing my emotions. i already have a bunch of self care practices in place to do this!

like my morning brain dump journaling practice where i just write and write and write and let it all come out judgement free. or my afternoon walks, where i don’t listen to anything except the sounds around me and just let myself process through anything in my head while moving my body.

it feels kinda like that thing where i’m always thinking i need to achieve something else or strive to be somewhere other than where i am right here, right now. like i’m not good enough, as is. i’ve gotta get something else or get to somewhere else in order to “feel ok.”

i thought i needed to do another, better, more efficient practice to process my emotions. i thought i was missing out on something - “there must be something wrong with me.” in reality, i was just missing out on acknowledging what i was already doing! (and then letting that practice be enough).

knowing that i don’t have a stockpile of mystery shit that’s gonna pop out and scare me at any minute (i think this is what i was afraid of?) i’ve already done so much shadow work and excavating - and then reprogramming of those negative beliefs. i’ve done enough work to know what my cute lil demons are. i don’t need to do any more digging.

i can handle them as they resurface. as i come up against them again on this spiral staircase of life & learning. i can trust myself that i can practice processing through my emotions as they happen. cuz i’m already practicing it. and this practice is just gonna keep going on forever - cuz it’s a practice! 😉

i’ve got everything i need right now to handle this moment. anything i need to handle future moments will come in that moment.

and if i had to guess, i think you might have everything you need in this moment, too. 🖤


since i wrote you a short novel above, i’m gonna keep this section short and sweet this month. we’re featuring our self care bundle for june!

the bundle includes:

  • gratitude & joy journal: start living a more joyful life; keeping track of gratitude, joyful moments, and tapping into what your body needs each day.

  • energy experiment workshop: a container for you to explore your life desires through the lens of your physical space. to contemplate, come to clarity, and experiment with ways to set up a more nourishing and supportive environment in order to help you make those desires a reality.

  • adhd self care dashboard: this isn’t just a dashboard. it’s a portal into living a life of ease where you feel proud of your unique & beautiful brain and all the magical ways you show up in the world

get all 3 at a discounted price in the bundle!



More where that came from

If you’d like to see more posts about notion, check out the others by clicking on an image below:


how i manage projects in notion


when i think i don’t have anything ✍️