tracking my hair dye journey in Notion

today we’re getting a little more personal and taking a look at my hair dye dashboard! i’ve just put this together to help me track the hair dyes i’m using as i go on an experimental journey with dyeing my hair at home.

i turned it into a template so you can track your own hair dye journey, too, here!

and i also talk about how i use it with my Second Brain within my Holy Grail HQ Notion system. Which is a digital workspace for neurodivergent business owners & creators to help you feel more organized, motivated, and on top of your shit!

In this video I go over:

  • little bit of my hair dye backstory

  • why this dashboard

  • my original record keeping process that didn’t work

  • my personal hair dye dashboard walkthrough

  • my fav hair over the years

  • properties i’m tracking in this database

  • dashboard thoughts for the future

  • visual aspects

  • making things even easier for myself using my tasks database

  • what the template looks like

  • how to add your own filtered view of your Second Brain database (from the Holy Grail HQ) onto the dashboard

also wanna give a shout out to caitlin at wardrobe resourcery for my outfit today! 🌈
you can check out their offerings here!


hair dye backstory

i’ve been dyeing my hair at home since 7th grade, well my mom has been dyeing it. thank goodness for her cuz i’ve tried to do it by myself and i’m just not cut out for it 😅 i made a big mess and felt way too stressed.

i never really kept track of what dyes we used or the methods we used. so your guess is as good as mine what has worked well and not worked well for me 😂

i’ve also gone to the salon to have it dyed many times, but that can get quite pricey, which is why i do it at home more often.

i also wanna mention that i’m not a hair dye professional, the only experience i have is from internet research and experimenting at home.

why this dashboard

i took a few years off dyeing my hair, but last November i realized i wanted to go red again.

so the at home experimentation began!

and with any good hair dye experiment, you’re bound to have some mishaps. or, well, undesirable results.

i realized i need some kind of log, someplace to keep notes so i knew what products i bought: colors, brands, developers; the amount we used and the method we used to apply it; the timeframe; the result, and if the result is what i expected/wanted.

because if i’ve learned anything about me and my adhd, is that i need to keep a detailed log, so that the next time i do it, it takes out all the guesswork and makes the process so much smoother and easier.

that’s where the idea for this hair dye dashboard came along!

my original record keeping process that didn’t work

i was originally putting some notes in my second brain database, using a “hair” tag. my second brain database is my reference library inside my Holy Grail HQ system.

this was quickly getting out of hand. i had different notes about the products we used on different pages from the instructions and other tips i wanted to remember. even though it was all in my second brain and all categorized under “hair”, it wasn’t easy for me to use or reference in the way my brain needed it.

i knew i needed a central dashboard for my hair dye journey that i could lay out in a way that made sense for me to be able to reference and use it easily.

hair dye dashboard walkthrough

i cleaned up the pages in my second brain, and put a list view of the database filtered to show my “hair” tag relation. i put it inside a toggle so it’s accessible when i need it.

i knew i wanted this dash to feel super inspiring as i looked at it, so i put a bunch of screenshots of my pinterest board and my fav hair pics on it.

i also have a link to my pinterest board for easy access.

and i created a new database called “hair dye log” where i can now keep a journal of each time i dye my hair.

i have it viewable as a gallery for the past year, a gallery of all the entries, and a table of all the entries.

and i got so inspired that i went back in time and grabbed all my fav hair dyes to add to the gallery.

properties i’m tracking in this database

this is what i decided would be helpful to track as properties inside the table:

  • the location/who dyed it

  • the date

  • the color used (brand, shade, developer)

  • the result

and inside the table i put a photo (or multiple, as it fades/changes over time), with any additional notes and links to products used

dashboard thoughts for the future

i feel like once i have nailed down the colors/products i like, i will probably add a page to my shopping database and put a view of that on this dashboard as well. but since i’m still experimenting, i’m just gonna see how it goes and assess that part once i get there!

making things even easier for myself using my tasks database

i also have this dashboard mentioned in my “hair dye” task inside my tasks database in my holy grail hq system. so that when i put the task on my calendar, it’s super easy for me to click on it that day and get to my dashboard!


if you’d like to start keeping track of your hair dye journey, grab the hair dye dashboard template at the link below.

and if you’re interested in a full system to help you run your small business & personal life, check out the Holy Grail HQ down below as well.

i’d love to hear about how you’re using this hair dye dashboard and all the other ways you track and keep up with your own hair dye journey!

thanks for being here.

i’ll see ya in the next one.

This post contains an affiliate code. If you use this code to buy something we may earn a commission. We only recommend products we use and love. Thanks for supporting this small business! 🖤

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