why i love the weeks of the year πŸ—“οΈ

finally organized my task list

happy march! i am extra pumped because this is my birthday month! sometimes celebrating my bday month feels a bit confusing to me because i have to remember that we’re still in pisces season and that my bday is at the end of the month - kicking off aries season. but since my bday falls in march, i don’t really feel like april is my month. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« still figuring out how to navigate that one.

anyone else out there have a bday that falls in a strange placement? how do you like to celebrate?

i’m working to remind myself to continue to ride the emotional pisces waves before i spark things into ignition in spring/aries season. a beautiful reminder to continue to S L O W D O W N and be here in this present moment. we’ll have a fiery spring party at the end of the month πŸ”₯😏


the template of the month is a simple simple beauty. a database with the weeks of the year and their corresponding dates. this database completely changed my life when i started using it in my weekly planning! πŸ—“οΈ

notion is so open and customizable, but unfortunately doesn’t include every feature under the sun that any individual might want. so that’s where little hacks and workarounds like using this weeks database come in handy.

i learned about using a weeks database from michelle at holisticism as a way to schedule/organize tasks. it made so πŸ’‘ much πŸ’‘ sense πŸ’‘ for my brain!

i prefer to view my tasks in a kanban board by day of the week, but i don't necessarily schedule my tasks onto specific calendar dates. (i typically fill out the date property when i start working in progress on the task)

so i was running into issues where i didn’t know how to schedule tasks out for the future. what happens if i didn’t get to something this week? or if i know i don’t need to work on it again until next month (like my monthly bookkeeping task). where do i β€œput” these tasks so they don’t overwhelm my current weekly view AND so they don’t get lost?

enter the weeks database! i’ve got it set up as a relation to my tasks database. and then on my daily dashboard, i filter my kanban view of my tasks by the weeks database relation.


i also utilize the weeks database in many of my other processes like my weekly reviews, gratitude & joy journal, and keeping track of things in my personal life like little joys & weekly magic spells.  πŸͺ„β˜€οΈ

and when i realized that this weeks database was gonna completely change my life, i searched high and low for someone online who had already made one. i didn’t want to input all those dates in πŸ™ˆ

alas, i realized i was going to have to do the work. and i have committed to continuing to do the work every year since i can’t live without this database. so i figured, let me do the work for you, so you can get on with planning your weeks and getting shit done with more ease right away 🏁



More where that came from

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