my favorite ways to spellcast as a digital witch

witchcraft for adhd entrepreneurs & creators

today we’re talking about my favorite ways to spellcast as a digital witch, how it helps my adhd focus, and where i put all of my digital spells inside of Notion.

in this video, i go over:

  • what are witchcraft & spells?

  • why spells?

  • setting up my spells

  • examples of spells inside Notion

  • visual spells

  • digital magic class


what is witchcraft?

witchcraft to me is a conscious dedication to my energetic connection to everything around me: relationships with other people, nature, plants, animals, my home, my business, myself.

what are spells?

and spells are a resource that i use to tap into that energetic connection. the most simple way i like to think of a spell is that it’s an intention. it’s a desired outcome, something that you want to bring about, to foster, to manifest. i think that word “goal” could also be used here.

spells and adhd

i struggle a lot more with my adhd symptoms and difficulties when i don’t have clear focuses to follow (in my personal life and in my business). when i don’t have a clear goal or objective, it’s really easy for me to veer off on 20 different tracks by all the shiny things that pop into my brain. then i’m scattered and starting a million projects, finishing none, and feeling bad about myself because i feel like i’ll never reach any of my goals and amount to anything. heavy, i know. but that’s what happens in ye old brain 🧠🤷.

so what i do is set magical spells at the beginning of whatever it is i’m working on.

  • a new work project? set a spell

  • a new piece of social media content? set a spell

  • the start of a new week? set a spell

  • heading into the next quarter of the year? set a spell

that way, it forces me to get clear on what my expectations, hopes, and dreams are for this project. which then, makes it easier to make an action plan and then stick to that plan. because i have this cute handy dandy spell to serve as a reminder of my intentions for the project! yay!

setting up my spell

i don’t do all of these things every single time - it just depends on the moment.

  • i minimize outside distractions - put my phone on do not disturb and physically hide it from my view.

  • sometimes i clear my space using crystals or by burning herbs.

  • light a candle

  • tune in - do some grounding exercises like taking deep breaths and focusing on my feet on the floor.

to get clear on my intentions:

  • i brain dump journal.

  • sometimes i’ll pull a tarot or oracle card for guidance.

  • and when i’m feeling lots of energy bouncing around inside of me and sitting and journaling isn’t gonna work, i go for a walk or do some other kind of movement like hitting a tennis ball off the basement wall. and keep my phone nearby to jot down whatever comes up.

then i write down my spell in the digital place it’s intended for.

check out the video for some examples of what that looks like in Notion.

in most of my databases, i have templates set up that include a spell section - so it’s already there as a reminder for me to get clear on my intentions as part of the process of each (project, piece of content, weekly review)

  • projects database

  • social media content

  • weekly review

this way, i have this magical spell infused with all my intentions - that’s my reminder throughout my time working on the project on what i want to focus on and the purpose of why i’m doing what i’m doing. it’s a cool, fun, magical lil way to help keep me on track.

my #1 favorite way to use digital spells

and now my most fun way to use digital spells in my Notion workspace is to turn them into visual elements that i can sprinkle throughout my workspace like on my daily dashboard, which is my go to landing page to get shit done. it’s got a view of my projects database, an inbox where i dump all my ideas and random things in, and then my weekly task database that i work from every day. so typically quarterly, i revisit my intentions and create new spells for what vibes i’m looking to call in during the next quarter. i infuse the spells into moodboards and graphics and pump up my dashboard with the fresh vibes. and lemme tell you how big of a excitement boost that is. cuz you know, inevitably, i get bored looking at the same old shit day in and day out - no matter how much i love it. it’s just not hitting my dopamine buttons anymore. and these fresh visuals do the trick.

digital magic

if you wanna pump up your Notion workspace with some fresh visual spells that help keep you focused to get shit done, check out my digital magic class. it’s now available as an on demand workshop that you can use as a virtual body double - to walk you through the whole process of setting up your spell, turning it into a visual representation & adding the spells to your notion dashboards.

the class comes with free canva templates to craft your digital spells.

you can learn more and purchase the class through the button below!

those were some of my favorite ways to spellcast as a digital witch. i’d love to hear how you use spells in your digital spaces. and if you check out the digital magic class, i’d love to see the visual spells that you create. part of the fun of all of this is getting to share our magic together in community so please send me any screenshots via email. i look forward to celebrating your magic.

thanks for being here!

i’ll see ya in the next one.


More where that came from

If you’d like to see more posts about adhd & Notion, check out the others by clicking on an image below:


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