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joy, pleasure, and refining
I’ve been working on tapping into more joy and pleasure. I re-started using a daily journal in Notion, and swapped out everything I was previously tracking for just two properties: joy and gratitude.
how i use a content creation inbox in Notion
One way I use my inbox in Notion is for content creation. Check out the process!
how to build your own self-care ritual
A free guide on how to build your own self-care ritual. Plus a Notion toolkit template.
opening my heart to connection: sharing my mental health medication journey
this year i’m working on opening my heart space and sharing more of my life journey in hopes to foster more connection and inspire others along their journey.
in the spirit of all that, i’m going to get into a little story time about [part of] the reason why i made my adhd dashboard. if you’re interested in what brought me here, read on...
adhd self care dashboard - notion template: a digital portal into self care and empowerment for folx with adhd