feeling stuck or stagnant? try this!

when is a good time to do an energy experiment?


they’re for when you feel stagnant, stuck, or need a shift. and seasonally is good for this because there’s already a natural shift happening around us.

that shift in nature can give us momentum to make shifts in our lives.

think: new year’s resolutions, spring cleaning, fall/back to school organizing, winter hibernation.

if you’re feeling this way right now, (even if it’s not in the midst of a big season change), now might be a good time to check it out!

An Energy Experiment is a [Brigitte Marie exclusive] dedicated container to get curious, explore, and come up with an action plan to help you make meaningful change in your life, using your home as a grounding point to make the magic happen. 💫

for more information about Energy Experiments, click the button below.



ready for change in your life?


december self-care resource roundup