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Handling Rumination
I tend to ruminate. I go over and over the same situation. Again and again. Analyzing my actions and words. Sure, this is ok to do maybe once, so I can pick out any lessons learned to take with me into the rest of my life... but the part where I keep mentally beating myself up repeatedly AFTER I've already realized the lessons, is the unhealthy part that is not serving me or my highest good.
Infusing Play into the Every Day
I'm leaning into bringing "play" into the equation. What if we looked at everything we do as play? What the heck does that even mean? Play is doing something out of enjoyment, for no defined goal or outcome. Play is full of imagination, creativity, spontaneity, experimentation, discovery, and learning.
Happy New Year!
How is your new year going so far? Tbh, mine doesn’t feel very different than 2020… but honestly, why should it? Only a few days have passed. Everything’s preeeeetty much the same as it was a week ago. I think we put way too much pressure on the new year.
Happy Winter Solstice
Happy Winter Solstice! This day marks the beginning of winter and is the darkest day of the year. It's also my favorite one to look forward to because starting tomorrow, the amount of daylight will begin to increase! Idk about you, but I love the sun & daylight and get pretty sad as it starts decreasing after summer. This little bit of knowledge helps me to get through the winter with a little bit more ease.
In this video I go over:
who this dash is good for
welcome & helpful hints
included databases
page anchor & digital spell
current projects database view
inbox & processing station
weekly task view & mho (monday hour one weekly planning station)
where to get the template
custom dashboard personalization
holy grail hq: fully-built Notion operating system