Happy New Year!

What are you committing to this year?

Girl Winter New Year Commitment

Congrats, we made it to 2021!

How is your new year going so far? Tbh, mine doesn’t feel very different than 2020… but honestly, why should it? Only a few days have passed. Everything’s preeeeetty much the same as it was a week ago. I think we put way too much pressure on the new year. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aaaaanyway, I’ll tell ya what does feel different and nourishing; I’ve been focusing on myself and how I am feeling. I was totally already doing that to some extent before- and now, I'm doing it with a little more focus and intention. Ok Brigitte, spill the deets. Why would I want to take a deeper look inside myself anyway?

Finding Sanctuary in Self-Care

One tool I've begun using in the new year is Ryan Weiss’s free Sanctuary Challenge. "Sanctuary is a community with the shared goal to encourage the world to slow down and learn how to nurture itself." It’s a 60-day self-care accountability challenge. It’s a great way to build and uphold a self-care practice, and to practice accountability- to yourself and others. He's all about simple and free tools that are accessible. Heck yes.


Ok now, what am I committing to?

The challenge has 5 commitments: morning meditation, exercise, goddess time, healthy eating, and eight hours of sleep.

It might seem daunting to commit to all of those every day for 60 days. Ryan's best advice is to take the challenge one day and one commitment at a time. I'm down with that. I'm doing whatever feels best to me at this point in my journey- which can also look different every day! Another thing I've learned is that sometimes we fall off and don't complete some of the commitments we made. The key is to treat yourself with grace and compassion and hop back on with new commitments tomorrow. Life happens! And all of it is ok. It's ok if you fulfill all of your commitments and it's ok if you don't. Acceptance of the present is key. Once I accept my current situation, I'm able to take the next best considered action toward whatever it is I'm going for.

Benefits of Self-Care

All of this self introspection and self-care leads me to treat myself with more love and compassion. I’m then able to treat others with more understanding, love, and compassion. I practice healthier communication, I’m able to make and uphold boundaries, feel confident in myself, and enjoy my life. That, my friends, is why I’m doing this work.

Wanna foster more of that in your life? You up for hopping on the challenge with me? Message me and tell me what you’re committing to this year. Let’s hold each other accountable so we take those action steps and follow through toward living more conscious, connected, and enjoyable lives!

This Week's Conscious Collection

A curation of my latest favs and interests.

I’ve been amping up the cozy vibe and pretending my house is a cool jazz club with this Spotify Cocktail Jazz playlist.

Ok so this recipe for Miso Roast Parsnips on Mustard Butter Bean Mash & Roast Garlic sounded muy fancy and so intriguing that I had to give it a whirl. Verdict? ‘Twas interesting and I’d def do it again. Bring on the simple gourmet meals!

I’m practicing fostering abundance in 2021. When I receive something (money, energy, time, love), I’m sending this spell to that person. ✨

Consciously connected,



Infusing Play into the Every Day


Happy Winter Solstice