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february self-care resource roundup
Here’s to feeling supported, nourished, and well-resourced heading into the next month with a new roundup of meditations, resources, and exercises: up FREE on the patreon!
Happy New Year!
How is your new year going so far? Tbh, mine doesn’t feel very different than 2020… but honestly, why should it? Only a few days have passed. Everything’s preeeeetty much the same as it was a week ago. I think we put way too much pressure on the new year.
In this video I go over:
who this dash is good for
welcome & helpful hints
included databases
page anchor & digital spell
current projects database view
inbox & processing station
weekly task view & mho (monday hour one weekly planning station)
where to get the template
custom dashboard personalization
holy grail hq: fully-built Notion operating system