Why I’m no longer striving to be an independent woman

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash

Photo by Ryan Moreno on Unsplash


Something lit up inside of me the other day as I was journaling. I had one of those ah-ha moments. I was thinking about the concept of being an "independent woman." Something I've been striving for my whole life. To be able to take care of myself. But something about it just doesn't feel right. I think it's because I feel the need to prove I am independent. It's something societally programmed onto me to think I need to achieve.

But what is an independent woman anyway? She can take care of herself, she doesn't need anybody else.

Hello, don't we all need others? We depend on grocery stores being open, clothing being made, utilities available in our homes. Can you imagine having to do all of that yourself? Nah, we're meant to depend on others!

So what's healthy dependence look like? Cuz with too much dependence, we can lose our sense of self-reliance.

I wrote down the word "interdependence."

Brigitte, did you just make that word up? Checks Google. Nope, that's it. That's the concept I've been thinking of. (umm is this what they call "getting a download" from the universe hahaha cuz I seriously don't know where I pulled that word from)

Interdependence is a mutual reliance. We rely on each other.

What a beautiful concept. We rely on each other.

I rely on myself for some things in life. I rely on you for some things in life. And you rely on me for some things in life. A beautiful partnership. A magical collaboration.

So maybe the independent woman I'm looking for in myself is one who has healthy boundaries around what they need to and from others. She supports herself and others, and is supported by others. She's aware of her connection to everything in this world, her part in the energetic flow of the universe.

brigitte marie independent womxn with plants

Pondering Prompts

Have you ever thought of the term "independent" in this way before?

What does being an independent person mean to you?

How do you honor the flow of interdependence in your life?


Projects vs Perfectionism


How do you celebrate yourself?