How do you celebrate yourself?

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

I'm curious... how do you celebrate yourself? I'm on this journey of realizing things in my life to be proud of; building that self-trust muscle. And I'm getting heckin' excited when I am able to acknowledge things!

I don't want this all to slip through the cracks; I want to relish in the moment, live here in the present, in these moments where I am proud of myself, and celebrate! So that got me thinking... what does a self-celebration even look like? I'm not talking a huge party-type celebration, maybe just something little we can do in our everyday lives to make life feel more vibrant. I'm here for that feeling. Now, onto collecting data to start building out my daily life celebration...

Energy Design Intuitive Decor

What does celebration look and feel like to you?

how do you celebrate yourself?

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