Changing Seasons

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash


I'm drinking water infused with fresh mint leaves from the garden, and mourning the end of summer. I know that soon, there won't be any more fresh mint leaves to pick straight from my deck. Our chipmunk friend won't have any more compost tomatoes to snack on in his favorite little seat on our deck. Things will get much less green and much more quiet. And I'll lose the ability to do two of my new favorite hobbies outside, roller skating and tennis.

Brigitte Marie Summer 2021 collage

I usually have a hard time with this change of seasons. The days get colder, darker. Seasonal depression starts to set in. I'm working on practicing grace and self-compassion (as always), honoring my feelings, and exploring what it would be like to not resist this change in seasons. What if I welcomed it?

In the spirit of that realm of thinking, this past weekend, I cleaned and rearranged my basement to set up for indoor roller skating and tennis season. We marked a line on the wall in turquoise duct tape for a tennis fence (the "net," but ya know, I like to give things funny names haha). So now I have (a tiny bit) more space to skate and an open wall to practice my tennis form. I can still enjoy my favorite activities in some way. And that gives me a little more hope and excitement going into fall and winter.

Pondering Prompts

How are you handling the changing seasons? What are you looking forward to? 🖤


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