Letting go of the need to impress others

Woman outside covered in rainbow color powder raising her arms up to the sky, feeling free

Today I invite you to get curious and take a little deep dive into yourself and imagine your life if you didn't feel like you had to impress anyone.

Go ahead, ask yourself,

What if... I didn't feel like I had to impress anyone?

What would my life look like?

Who would I be?

What risks would I take?

What would change? What would stay the same?

What would I do with my day/time? What wouldn’t I do?

Now, what small step can I take today to begin to embody this version of myself?

tbh these questions kinda make me feel like I'm gonna throw up 😬😛 (people pleaser, much?!) haha. I love getting into this stuff though because this is where the magic happens! Where I come home to myself, I learn a little bit more of who I am, and feel more at home in myself.

If I didn't feel like I had to impress anyone, I would probably work a different/new job every few months or so, feel less stressed about posting on social media & my blog, not give a shit who's watching me fall down while roller skating as a 33 year old, and quite possibly move to the Costa Rican eco-village that they visit in Down to Earth w/Zac Efron.

What about you; what would you do if you didn't feel like you had to impress anyone? And how can you take one tiny step toward that version of yourself today? Journal it out and leave a comment on this post or send me an email and let me know.

Remember, your story is important and I am here to support you. 🖤


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